We are back in Jeffrey's Bay again and it feels just like home! This time we were able to bring two of our close friends and supporters with us, Chris and Michelle Reis...check out their blog for more info and pictures of the trip...www.chrisandmichellereis.blogspot.com.
We have been in South Africa for one week and have been busy busy with all of the happenings at Ithemba. We seem to be busting at the seams with new children, the are absolutely precious, but we need more space! We walked into Ithemba today and the newly built classrooms were bustling with children. Kids in every desk and kids all over the floors trying to learn...we need more classrooms already, what an exciting blessing, and an exciting challenge :)
We are at Ithemba planning for the new safe house and painting new canvases to raise money to support it....and because of the overflow of children, we are looking in to the cost of expanding the main building of Ithemba as well. We are very excited and anxious to get started on the safe house, more children than ever need a refuge and place to stay. We are planning a three bedroom home equipped with everything the children will need for safety and happiness...even some loving house parents. The cost of the building and all of its furnishings will be about $70,000.00 and will provide refuge for 12 children. I will be posting more info soon about the canvases and ways that you can support this new project!
Sorry for the short and choppy post...we have been very busy but I will be sure to keep you updated in the next two weeks that we are here. We have gotten to see some great changes in the children and I look forward to sharing them with you soon! We would love your prayers while we are here!
So glad to hear from you guys! I hope everything on the trip is going smooth. Please post pics of the canvases as soon as you can, I can't wait to see them! We are praying for you guys. I know it feels like home but please come back soon! :) Thank you guys for investing your lives in this...
with love - Hannah
I am so inspired by what you guys are doing! Ithemba and your partnership in Nicaragua both sound amazing. I have also been touched by the people and especially the children in Africa, and my past 6 months in Tanzania have been amazing. Good luck with everything, and I look forward to hearing more about your journey and wonderful ministry.
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