
Reflections from J'Bay by Jess Mulvaney...

Yesterday it was raining. It rained all Wednesday night. When it rains in the township, read- shanty town, everyone and everything gets wet and muddy. Most of the shanties have dirt floors. The water just runs on in. Even those who live in government houses, 12 x 10 feet, one room, cinder-block homes, have water running in under the door. The kids will not want to walk in the rain, or they won’t have dry clothes to wear. There is a lot of pride in the Xhosa culture. So they won’t come to Ithemba. There were only five kids there in the morning when we got there. We spent the morning with them, and painting the scratched-up tables in their classrooms.

In the afternoon we put together pencil boxes full of school supplies for the preschool children. Over dinner Rich asked Gavin what his dream for Luo would be over the next five years. I wish you all could have heard him answer off the cuff and from the heart.

He spoke of their desire to go deep instead of wide with their ministry. He talked about seeing Jeffery’s Bay be a leading example in South Africa; breaking racial barriers between the white and the black and colored communities. He said he would like to see the township women have self-worth, see the township men change their bad attitudes and embrace real male -leadership. He would like to see these precious kids grow up with real dreams and hopes, with the belief that they can be something more then every ancestor that has come before them. That they would all would know Jesus. He said “Will that happen in five years? Maybe not. But I believe by praying for things that only God can do, is the way your faith to continues to grow.”

Not a bad dream to chase.


Least of These...

*taken from Becca's blog*


Our time at Ithemba is coming to a close - but as a group we have decided this is not "goodbye"...instead it's a "til next time."

Our time here has been truly life-changing. I don't think any of us will walk into a Target, or grocery or department store, or even our own home with the same eyes we came with...there has definitely been an internal shift - a change of mindset. I hope that when we find ourselves wrestling with contentment, we now have a name and a face of someone we've met that is currently living with so much less and has a joy and peace that is contagious.

We started the day as we have many others - playing with kids - just lovin' on them, playing beauty parlor, pool, kicking the ball, throwing football, hula hoops, etc...but something was definitely special about today knowing it would be our last...bittersweet. I spent most of my time playing with Asum, Mary & Lisacahze - they are some of the ones that have captured my heart. Unfortunately, it was too wet to do our fun day/field day - so we left the toys w/ the teachers to do when it warms up. After we put the kids down for nap time, we headed over to SuperTubes to watch the waves roll in and pick up some lunch.

After lunch, we headed back over to Ithemba to play games and say our goodbyes. A couple of the boys, Simphiwe and his cousin, gave us a tour of the township where they live. (The city is divided into three - the whites, the coloreds, and the blacks.) They live in the black community which is the poorest of the three. I can't begin to put into words what we saw. As we walked, we handed out sandwiches we had made to the kids we met and I prayed alot as we walked the area. I know our God is good and He is Sovereign, but sights like today still wreck my heart with questions of mercy and justice. I think the hardest part was knowing that Precious, an orphaned HIV positive kid that goes to Ithemba, was running into one of the shanties we walked by. I just wanted to scream out her name, scoop her up, and take her home. (I will post a pic of her later that will melt your heart.) Leaving her behind was hard.

Another moment that will be forever etched in my mind was Matthew walking up to this cute little boy, laying on his belly with his head propped up on a picnic table bench just staring at us as we walked by - and as soon as he saw Matt's hand out with a sandwich just for him, he's eyes and body perked up and he jumped down and took it and then smiled at Matt and gave him a high five...and then took a big bite. As his sister, it was a very proud moment. The smile on Matt's face was just as precious as the kids...so rewarding to have witnessed it...for that I am grateful.

My Richie Rich moment of the day was watching him with as many kids as could fit in his lap watching cartoons off in the corner with some of the afternoon kids. He was just giggling along with 'em - very cute.

I am not quite sure what to do with all we have seen and heard today. I take comfort in the fact that safe house is almost done and some of the children will have a place to go to and perhaps have a chance at a life of possibilities and choices.

For now, I am just pondering what these verses and hoping God will continue to show us where and how to stand in the gap and do for those who can't do it for themselves.

Matthew 25:37-40 (NIV)

"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

Micah 6:8 (NIV)

8 He has showed you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

With grateful hearts,

Becca, Matt & Rich


More from Becca, Matt and Rich


Hi friends,

Today we are wrapping up another awesome day at Ithemba-one that ended with a beautiful rainbow (we saw a few today) that started in the bay and ended in the township we have been serving in. For me, it was comforting to have God show up in that way-a reminder that He is a Covenant God and He will keep His promises. One day He will wipe every tear we've seen and rejoice in every smile we've encountered. Until that day comes, we count it a blessing to be alongside these children, at this point in time, as our stories are interwoven by a masterful storyteller who knows how it will end.

For me today was a hard day-i am coming down with the flu (a lot of the children have runny noses and a few you can tell are sick)...other teammates are also feeling a little run down-so please keep our health in your thoughts and prayers. On a brighter note, the pharmacy here is great and they were able to give us some good meds and we stayed in tonight and rested.

Aside from the health issues, we still pressed in and had a GREAT day at Ithemba. We awoke earlier this morning than previous days so that we could arrive at Ithemba to feed the kids breakfast which was a treat. When they broke for classroom time, we headed to the mall to buy them some special treats. We decided to do a fun-day/field day for the kids Friday and needed supplies to prepare. As we mentioned yesterday, we've observed some basic needs we have felt the Lord lead us to meet...so we bought "back to school" pencil boxes and filled them with the basics for each child-pencils, colored pencils, crayons, erasers, rulers with stencils, stickers, etc. We can't wait to assemble the gifts and give them to the kids!!!

We also noticed a need for underwear-some kids have accidents and nothing to change in to-so we bought up a nice reserve for the teachers to have on hand. It is so humbling to see the basic needs we take for granted to sometimes go unmet-so we are all so happy to help.

After our trip to the mall we grabbed some lunch and headed back to Ithemba to power wash the fence (Yeah Matt and Ben-it was a HUGE job to do in the cold semi-wet day we had today.) We hope to paint it on Thursday or Friday if the weather cooperates.

While the men were on fence duty, the girls played with the kids and helped finish the canvases that will be for sale.

After wrapping up our day, Lindsay,Katie,Jess and I drove through the township to drop off one of the kids -Timba-at home. Picture dirt roads with wood or metal leaned together (like what you saw in the movie Slumdog Millionaire) and in the "nicer" area 10X20 feet concrete boxes with dirt floors.

As I am hunkering down in my four blankets on this wet, cold & windy night, I can't help but let my mind wander to the kids on that dirt road I drove down just five hours ago-wondering how they will survive the windy, wet, cold night on a dirt floor without the luxury of heat or an extra blanket to keep them warm. Please pray for them.

Ephesians 3:19-21.

In His Grip,
Becca, Matt & Rich


Potato Chip, Potato Chip, Crunchy Crunchy...

I love Jesus a bunchy, bunchy. YES - that chant will get stuck in your head. It's what we're all saying as I type this blog...made ya read it tho...didn't it?

As a recap, today has been another amazing adventure...from the guys adventure of sunrise surfing (ask Rich about his stitches) to singing w/ the kids, painting canvases, & meeting some new friends...it's been another incredible day here in Jeffreys Bay.

We started this morning with another devotional Oswald Chambers...what it looks like to walk in His presence day by day, minute by minute. The message quite timely as we look to serve the kids moment by moment. We arrived this morning at Ithemba to the kids sitting at their desks working on their letters and taking their vitamins. We then broke for playtime where you could hear songs of "Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes...Father Abraham...If You're Happy and you Know it Clap your Hands"...that quickly transitioned into games like Simon Says & Red Light, Green Light.

Favorite Moments today:
1. Watching Rich do basketball tricks with boys

2. Watching Matt get the kids ready for nap time (see pic)...it's CRAZY - to hear the room go from
a loud roar to a silent whisper in less than a minute

3. The girls put on a show for us that is a traditional African dance to drums...pics to come

4. The most impactful thing we have been chewing on today is how the kids share so easily with one another considering they have NOTHING...especially when it comes to meals outside of Ithemba. Today, during snack time - popsicles were the treat - and it's so fun to watch the kids run around sharing with them not only with their friends at Ithemba, but also with us. It's crazy. How come we have so much trouble SHARING back home when we have so much? And these kids who don't know where their next meal is coming from (outside Ithemba) and they will not only share with their friends, but also the bum on the street peeking his head in. It's truly amazing.

During lunch, we took some time to continue our debrief from thoughts shared yesterday. We were able to identify a few needs we're going to try to meet while we're here: underwear, socks/shoes, pencils, crayons, paper, soccer & basketballs. We also did some brainstorming for LUO fundraising efforts once we're back in the states - if you want to help out...ask us!

After lunch, we started working on the canvases...so FUN!!! (We paint canvases with the kids and then take them back to the states and sell them - for a purchase of $250 you can buy a canvas and sponsor a child for a year - if you're interested in checking them out - they are AWESOME -email info@luo-setfree.org)

Tonight we had a team dinner at a cool pizza joint called 3 Fat Fish....my favorite was the fig, gorgonzola and bacon...we're saying good bye to 4 team members so it was a great send off. Then we came home and hosted some guests from the church for milk tarts and tea before heading off to bed.

I have to say we're all running low on energy tonight - and could really use your prayers for good rest, renewed strength, and continued connections with the kids tomorrow.

Walking in His presence,
Becca, Matt & Rich (our adopted brother)


Becca, Matt and Rich's blog updates:


Wow! I don't think we have words yet for our first day at Ithemba...we are all still processing. So I will try to just highlight some special moments...

First, we started the day with a devo from Utmost for His Highest-actually-we did two. One was focussed on serving, not out of show, but out of obedience...and the second was on seeing God in the process...and trusting Him in the purpose for what ever process we are experiencing-each of us unique. Both were very timely for what we experienced today.

Here are a few of my favorite moments:

1. Arriving at Ithemba and going into the classroom and watching the kids light up and cheer...and then singing "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands" spontaneously with my new friends. (Matt was in a separate classroom-but when we came out he said-he knew where I was as soon as the singing started:)

2. Watching Matthew play with the kids-he was their ultimate toy-and they climbed and hung on him all day...it was awesome to watch. For those of you that play kickball with him-watch out-he's got a new team:). See facebook for pics.

3. Seeing Rich get a mohawk and Katie get new braids. The kids here are fascinated with our hair so they play
"Beauty Shop" all day long.

4. Touring the safe house-its almost finished. Just internal touches left-we hope to have kids in it in the next month-yeah!!!

With these cheerful thoughts, we are also struggling with the harder ones-like why do the kids and their families have to live like this? How can a good God allow such poverty and misfortune to coexist in such a beautiful place? And why isn't the community here caring better for their own people?

Matthew shed some perspective this morning when he woke up-it was freezing in the room he slept in...but he quickly said, "If I am cold in a house like this-think of those people sleeping in shantys with no heat, food, or blankets. I have no need to complain-I have more than I need."

I wonder how many of us have more than we need and if so, how can we leverage that "more" for the good of those who don't?

So that's a little picture into our time so far and some of the things we're wrestling with. I know God is Sovereign and there is a plan at work...I am just asking him to show me my part in the process.

With much love and gratitude,

PS-I am updating from my blackberry-so please forgive typos. Also, for pictures, please visit my facebook page:)